Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Holding Hands With Fear

She occasionally day-dreamed. Zoned out, closed her eyes and escaped reality,  

Behind those sealed eyelids she saw black, but she wasn't scared…darkness though still, was safety,
Imagine being a 16 year old afraid of light, imagine looking in a mirror and feeling disgusted by your own sight,

Never a moment silence because daggers that rolled off other tongues, permanently clung on to her memories,

Forever questioning her existence because she was made to believe she wasn't beautiful in the eyes of the society she suffered in,

On the other side of the world a boy, sits locked in a cubicle, because outside the toilet doors a gang await his return,

He’s being tortured for his intelligence, unfortunate to have been born into a world where you are punished for wanting to learn,

There are children who seek a safe place in a classroom, because the corridors are a battle and the playground is a war-zone,

And the heart-breaking fact, is that though there are people here to help, the victims are convinced they are alone,

Stand among a sea of students, shouting cheers of encouragement as the homophobic's attack,

14 year old boy, huddled in a corner, body burnt with bruises, barely breathing between sobs unable to take the packs,

You don’t agree with the unjust punishment but not a word escapes your lips,

You stand frozen watching the innocent take the inhumane kicks,

The red head in class has heard so many jokes her ears begin to bleed,

Rivers of transparent pain, suffocating her confidence but her peers are naive,

Sore screams of laughter echo through the halls as a young girl chases after her headscarf,

Students watching as the offenders run through the corridors, no one flinches to help through their stifling laughs.

Walk beyond the prison walls and the world outside still offers no escape,

Freedom is feeble in a world where technology allows no opportunity to alleviate,

Who ever thought a keyboard could become a weapon, a mouse a trigger to help facilitate…

Bullying is no longer only physical, when social networks encourage users to reciprocate,

 Brutal words released through screens diminishing even the most stable state

Fallen souls losing light, welcoming vengeance but the answer isn't in the hope that roles will rotate,

You are better than the fool who undermines you,

The fact you still wake up every morning shows your purpose is not yet through,

If you don’t believe in yourself no one else is going to,

You can hide away your scars, but you can’t hide behind the truth.

Pick yourself up every time a sad soul knocks you down,

Soon you’ll make a life for yourself away from your dead end town.

Bursting to the brim, with individuals who barely contribute to life,

You’ll already be earning your worth when the rest finally realise…

Being mean will only get you so far,

Their self-destructing flames all starting with a spark,

You are too good for the hand of revenge,

There’s only so long life goes down, before light starts to extend.

You are worth so much more than a pill, a rope, a blade and a tear,

You’ll soon be indestructible now you've stood face to face with a bitch called fear